Thursday, June 10, 2010

Do you do what makes you happy?

I know it's a rather broad question but it's you do what makes you happy? These days everything is planned around money and society, I say eff that in the a then run over it with a bus and spit on it! Life is so damn short and I say live to the fullest you possibly can! I know many people with talk about job, priority, family, obligations, blah blah! I am going to be pretty repetitive because I'm not a dumbass, I know you've heard this before but throw all your inhibitions to wind, grab life by the horns and for christs sake do something you've always wanted to do.
SO what is it you want to do? Paint world class portraits of landscapes or beautiful women? Become a brew master of the finest microbrewery? Sing the only song you know you can kill in front of hundreds of thousands of people? Become a german prostitute who specializes in erogenous zones unknown to man....hmmm.....but you get my point, right? All I am wondering is what would make you the happiest? I suppose I have just been pondering this lately and I am astonished at the ratio of happy versus settled versus miserable. George Harrison thought happiness was a warm gun but personally, if we're speaking in terms of warmth, I'd say it is a warm pair of your favorite pj pants on a rainy spring day, dinner cooking and the aromas filling your home while listening to the best chill music with your legs in the lap of your husband/wife/best friend/ anyone you love reading your favorite book again for the eighth time with a kitty purring next to you:) See all it takes is a simple thought or vision of your warm happy place, it instantly put a smile on my face!
Settle down toots, this isn't just a bunch of hippy mumbogumbo! I am by no means a hippy, they went out in the early seventies, I just happen to be a person who believes in peace:) I made a promise to myself on January 1st, that was to do the most I could to live this year to the fullest, screw money ties and obligation! You must do something everyday that makes you tick! For example, right now I am listening to Johnny Cash while preparing a delicious greek inspired dinner with the sun shining on my back while I type this blog.
It doesn't take much to find a happy place, you just need to be willing to look deep enough inside your soul to find such a place. For the sake of your todays and tomorrows do something to make yourself happy.
Peace and love to you all and I am working on some awesome food stuffs so if you stay tuned keep on keepin on!


  1. My happy place is with a cat on my lap, and a good book in my hands, and my mind lost in it's pages... :3
