In an attempt at enlightening myself and enjoying life more I'm starting a daily addition of things that I think are awesome. Small things to the biggest of level of awesome. Also some of these things may not be awesome to you or you haven't done them and don't know the calibur of awesomimity you have yet to experience. So in light of this blog I shall give you ten awesome things to start....
1. Starting a new blog, even if only five people read it at least your getting your thoughts out of your head to make space for your new brilliant thoughts.
2. Waking up with your alarm and not being exhausted.
3. Sun kissed skin with that healthy summer glow
4. The thought of getting together with you dearest friend later to talk about a vacation you're going to be taking together.
5. A bushell of excited kitties to greet you outside your bedroom door in the morning all anticipating you loving them.
6. When your significant other wakes up long enough before you leave to walk you to the door and give you a kiss goodbye to work.
7. Being ahead of the game at work for the week.
8. Planning a trip to Europe with the possiblity of never coming back.
9. Drawing out plans for a business you want to open someday, it's a way of squeezing out of a rut because it gives you hope that there is more for you out there.
10. Working out because it boosts your attitude and naturally sends good vibes through your body making you happier.
So there it is folks, the first ten. In the future I will even them out by making some of them longer and some really short either way if you have a positive thought or an awesome thing send it my way, I'll add it to the list!
Peace and Love
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